
Freescale QorIQ devices support Nexus Trace for several members of its family of devices. To better support LTTng users who also want to use Nexus trace, Freescale developed LTTngX. LTTngX is a CodeWarrior specific feature that allows QorIQ Nexus trace data to be loaded and displayed with LTTng trace data. This presentation will provide an overview of our work, including a quick look at the QorIQ debug IP and how support for Nexus in LTTng has been implemented in CodeWarrior.


Ed Martinez manages the Freescale CodeWarrior Software Analysis Tools team. His team develops new technology to support tooling that leverages the Freescale Debug IP in the areas of Trace, Profiling, Performance Analysis and its visualization. These tools and applications are delivered as part of Freescale’s Eclipse based CodeWarrior tools