This talk will present the latest iteration of the Tracing and Monitoring Framework (TMF). TMF started as a collection of Eclipse plugins to analyze LTTng traces. Since then, it has evolved into a generic trace analysis framework, and can now even be installed as a stand-alone application based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform.
Recent improvements to be demoed:
- Standalone RCP, making it much easier for non-Eclispse users to install and use
- Automatic trace type detection on import
- Call stack view, automatically available for LTTng-UST traces with function entry/exit tracepoints
As well as a preview of upcoming features:
- Data-driven definition of trace types and views
- Trace synchronization
- Index on disk
Alexandre completed a M.Sc.A. in 2011 at École Polytechnique de Montréal, where he then worked as a research associate on the DMCT tracing project. He joined Ericsson in 2013, to continue working on TMF and related tracing tools.